Meet Our Dogs

Our dogs are Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs. The Great Pyrenees breed gets their name from the Pyrenees Mountains in Europe, where they were first popularized as sheep guardians.
At Seeking Shalom Acres, they guard our natural milk cows, calves, meat steers, chickens, and children from a heavy predator load, including foxes, coyotes, bears, cougars, and black panthers, to name just a few!
To read some great stories about our dogs doing their guardian job, please click the button below.

Walinzi ("Guard" in Swahili)
Walinzi was born on February 14, 2016 on a farm where her parents were guardians to a large herd of sheep.
She came to join Seeking Shalom Acres when she was 8 weeks old. At that time, we had an older male named Zebunya ("Guard" in Amharic - the Ethiopian language), who instantly bonded to her, began protecting her, and started her training with our animals!
Now, Walinzi is a very affectionate, gentle dog. She loves raising puppies and is an excellent mama!

Mustache was born at Seeking Shalom Acres on April 1, 2017. He was the firstborn son of Walinzi and Zebunya. His training began as soon as he could walk. When he was 7 months old, tragically Zebunya passed away unexpectedly and Mustache turned from a puppy into a full-blown guardian overnight to fill his father's shoes. Like his father, he does an excellent job training puppies and young dogs and guarding our other animals and young children from predators!

Shamira ("Protector" in Hebrew)
Shamira was born on December 17, 2017 on a sheep farm in Southwest Virginia to working parents. She has a very sweet personality, but is rock solid and resolute at the same time, which is a perfect combination in a guardian dog. We love that she has retained some of her beautiful markings.

Buddy was born on September 13, 2017 on a farm from good working stock; his parents guard sheep and cattle. He has a very laid back personality and is a little on the shy side, but he regularly comes to us for a head scratch or hug. Behind that shy exterior, he is a very affectionate dog and a good guardian.

Jasmine was born at Seeking Shalom Acres on June 10, 2019. Sadly, she was blinded during a farm accident, but she has never let that hold her back. She plays and works just as hard as our other dogs. Her senses are highly attuned; her hearing and sense of smell are so strong, she warns the others before they realize predators are nearby. She also loves puppies and even helps train them!